Junichiro Iida, executive vice president of Event Sponsor ClassNK, opened the event with a few words to the international audience
The Honourable Joe Mizzi, Minister for Transport and Infrastructure of Malta, addressed guests at the Welcome Reception sponsored by Malta Ship Registry.
Minister of Shipping & Island Policy, Panagiotis Kouroumblis, greeted the audience with a brief Welcome Address
Jiping Chen of China Classification Society made the Champagne Toast to the health of the Greek shipping industry
Dry Cargo Company of the Year – Samos Steamship Co. Anastasios Tzamouranis of Samos Steamship Co. accepting the Award from Matthew More of sponsor Marichem Marigases
Tanker Company of the Year – Thenamaris Nikolas Martinos of Thenamaris accepting the Award from Lambros Chahalis of sponsor Bureau Veritas
Passenger Line of the Year – Minoan Lines Antonis Maniadakis of Minoan Lines accepting the Award from Raffaele Palumbo of sponsor Palumbo Group
Shipbroker of the Year – Carriers Chartering Corporation Takis Christofides of Carriers Chartering Corporation accepting the Award from Harry Hajimichael of sponsor The Tsakos Group
Shipping Financier of the Year – National Bank of Greece Leonidas Fragkiadakis of National Bank of Greece accepting the Award from Milena Pappas of sponsor Star Bulk Carriers Corporation
Technical Achievement Award – Vassilis Papageorgiou Vassilios Papageorgiou accepting the Award from Loizos Isaias of sponsor DNV GL
Achievement in Safety or Environmental Protection – Helmepa Junior Nick Brown of sponsor Lloyd’s Register with Constantinos Kolovos and Olympia Zisi of Helmepa Junior and George Gratsos of Helmepa
Piraeus International Centre Award – HEMEXPO Despina Panayiotou Theodossiou of sponsor Tototheo Group presenting the Award to Eleni Polychronopoulou of HEMEXPO
International Personality of the Year – Peter Hinchliffe Peter Hinchliffe accepting the Award from Gerry Ventouris of sponsor Capital Ship Management Corporation
Seafarer of the Year – Capt. Diamantis Papageorgiou Natalia Tsavliris-Vasilopoulos of sponsor Tsavliris Salvage Group presenting the Award to Capt. Diamantis Papageorgiou of “Nissos Rodos”
Achievement in Education or Training – Eugenides Foundation Leonidas Demetriades-Eugenides of the Eugenides Foundation accepting the Award from Dimitris Heliotis of sponsor Target Marine Group
Ship of the Year – ‘Maria Energy’ Mathieu Antin (centre) of sponsor RightShip with Vanessa Florou, Irini and Elisavet Tsakos and Alexia Papageorgiou accepting the Award for ‘Maria Energy’
Next Generation Shipping Award – Stavroula Betsakou Theofilos Xenakoudis of sponsor IRI/The Marshall Islands Registry presenting the Award to Stavroula Betsakou
Lloyd’s List Intelligence Big Data Award – Moore Stephens Cyprus’ Transport, Communications and Works Minister Marios Demetriades (centre) presenting the Award to Richard Greiner and Costas Constantinou. The Award was sponsored by the Department of Merchant Shipping of Cyprus
Lifetime Achievement Award – Nicos D. Efthymiou Nicos D. Efthymiou receiving the Lloyd’s List/Propeller Club Lifetime Achievement Award from Vassilis Kroustallis of sponsor ABS
Greek Shipping Newsmaker of the Year – Polys Hajioannou Costis J. Frangoulis of sponsor Franman Group presenting the Greek Shipping Newsmaker Award to Polys Hajioannou
Greek Shipping Personality of the Year – Panos Laskaridis Panos Laskaridis accepting the Greek Shipping Personality Award from Nikolaos Karamouzis of sponsor Eurobank
Charity Donation George D. Pateras of the Hellenic Chamber of Shipping presenting the Greek Shipping Awards annual donation to Despina Papastelianou of ARGO
Co-hosts for the 2016 Greek Shipping Awards were Nigel Lowry and Andriana Paraskevopoulou
A record attendance of 1,200 guests attended the 2016 event